When it’s scorching hot outside, and you crave that refreshing blast of cool air, you might not give much thought to the inner workings of your air conditioner. However, a components team works hard behind the scenes to reduce heat and humidity. 

If any parts of the air conditioning system decide to take a break, your cool room could quickly become a sweaty nightmare.

Understanding the basics of your air conditioner’s major components can be super helpful when things go awry. 

As experts in AC installation, repair, and maintenance, The Bee Heat and AC has got you. Let’s break down these crucial parts, what they do, and how they team up to keep you chill when the heat is on.

6 Main Parts of Air Conditioning System 

Knowing what parts to check when you hear strange noises or run into problems is key to keeping your cool during summer. Here are the six parts of an air conditioning system you should know: 

1- Heat Exchanger

It serves as the central component of your HVAC system.

When it’s cold outside, it’s responsible for warming up the air pumped into your home. Inside the heat exchanger, there’s a controlled flame from burning gas (if you have a gas furnace). This flame heats the metal walls of the exchanger. 

When it’s hot outside, the heat exchanger works in reverse for cooling. Rather than producing heat, it takes in heat from the inside air. The heat is transferred to the refrigerant circulating through the system, which then carries it outside to be released. 

It aids in lowering the indoor air temperature.

2- Blower Motor

Think of the blower motor as the engine that drives the airflow in your HVAC system. Usually, it is found inside the boiler or air handler.

The blower motor begins when your thermostat tells your system to start heating or cooling. It pulls in air from your home through the return ducts and pushes it over the heat exchanger (for heating) or evaporator coil (for cooling).

Without the blower motor, your HVAC system wouldn’t be able to distribute air effectively, and you wouldn’t feel the benefits of heating or cooling in your home.

3- Combustion Chamber

When your thermostat calls for heat, the combustion chamber ignites a controlled flame using natural gas or propane. This flame generates heat, warming up the metal walls of the combustion chamber. 

As air from your home passes over these hot walls, it absorbs the heat, turning cold air into warm air. The blower motor then uses the ductwork to spread this hot air throughout your house.

Without it, there would be no source of warmth for your home during colder months.

4- Condenser Coil or Compressor

Found in the outdoor unit of your air conditioning system, the condenser coil and compressor work together to cool your home during hot weather. 

The compressor serves as the system’s pump, pressurizing the unique chemical component known as a refrigerant to produce a high-temperature, high-pressure gas. Heat is released into the surrounding air as this heated gas passes through the external condenser coil.

The refrigerant condenses into a liquid when it cools. This liquid refrigerant then moves into the evaporator coil inside your home to absorb heat from indoor air, cooling it. 

Without the condenser coil and compressor, your air conditioner couldn’t remove heat from your house effectively, leaving you sweltering in the heat.

5- Evaporator Coil

Another crucial part of your air conditioning system is the evaporator coil inside the furnace or air handler. Its purpose is to absorb heat from the air inside your home, giving it a cooler feel.

Warm inside air sweeps over a cold evaporator coil, absorbing heat and allowing the refrigerant within to evaporate into a gas. The air that exits from your vents feels colder as a result.

This process repeats as the warm air continuously cycles over the coil, providing a consistent cooling effect. 

Without the evaporator coil, your air conditioner wouldn’t be able to cool the air effectively, and your home would remain uncomfortably warm during hot weather.

6- Thermostat

Last but not least, the thermostat is the HVAC system’s nervous system.

You can regulate the temperature inside your house with the device mounted on your wall. When a desired temperature is set, your heating and cooling system receives signals from the thermostat and responds by turning it on or off. 

With the programmable capabilities that many modern thermostats have, you may plan temperature changes throughout the day to save energy.

The thermostat ensures that your HVAC system maintains a comfortable indoor environment according to your preferences. 

Without it, you’d have no way to effectively regulate your home’s temperature.

7 Tips to Choose the Right Air Conditioning System 

Choosing the right air conditioner can keep you comfy without breaking the bank. Here’s how:

1- Know Your Space

Figure out how big the room is. A bigger room needs a stronger AC. Consider the number of windows and the height of the ceiling as well.

2- Energy Saver

Invest in an air conditioner with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) or Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). You will save money on bills because the higher the number, the less energy it uses.

3- Type Matters

Decide if you want a window AC, which fits into your window, or a split-system AC, which has parts both inside and outside your house. Window units are easier to install, but split systems can cool more than one room.

4- Features You Want

Explore more options like sleep modes, configurable timers, and remote controllers. They can make your AC experience more convenient and comfortable.

5- Budget-Friendly

Compare prices and consider the initial cost and long-term energy savings. Long-term financial savings can result from higher upfront costs.

6- Read Reviews

See what others say about your interest in the AC. Their experiences can give you a good idea of what to expect.

7- Warranty and Support

Choose a device with a solid warranty and dependable customer service. You’ll need a backup in case something goes wrong.

The best AC is the one that suits your needs and keeps you cool and comfy all summer long.

Final Thoughts! 

Now that you have learned about air conditioner parts, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how your AC works. It means you can spot any issues early on and know when it’s time for a check-up and maintenance service

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What Does an Air Conditioning System’s Evaporator Coil Serve?

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Why is the Compressor Important in an Air Conditioner?

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