Your air conditioner is your best summer buddy, keeping you cool and comfortable. But sometimes, you feel your air conditioner not keeping up on hot days, not doing its job well, and leaving you sweaty and annoyed.

Have you ever considered why your AC struggles on those hot days? 

This blog will discuss why that happens and share tips to ensure your AC works great, even when scorching outside.

8 Reasons Why Your AC Isn’t Keeping Up on Hot Days

Are you feeling the heat, but your AC isn’t helping? Let’s explore eight common reasons your air conditioner might struggle on hot days. We will also discuss easy solutions for you to try. 

1- Improper AC Size

Improper sizing of your air conditioner can lead to inefficiency and discomfort. If the unit is too small for your space, it can keep up with the cooling demands, resulting in persistent discomfort despite continuous operation. 


Consult an expert to determine your house’s appropriate air conditioner size. A correctly sized AC will cool your home better and keep you comfy.

2- Dirty or Clogged Filters

Your air conditioner’s circulation efficiency suffers from dirty or clogged filters.

Despite being engineered to collect dust and debris, these filters lose some effectiveness when covered in dirt. This limitation in airflow makes it harder for the system to chill your home effectively. This problem negatively impacts both comfort and performance.


Typically, you should check, clean, or replace your air filters every one to three months. It helps your AC work better by letting air flow freely.

3- Leaky Ductwork

Another obstacle to the best possible cooling efficiency is leaky ducting. 

Cooled air is distributed throughout your house by ducts, but if there are leaks or breaches, a large amount of the cooled air may leave before it gets to where it’s supposed to. 

It reduces the overall effectiveness of your system and makes it harder to keep your home at a pleasant temperature continuously. 


Have a pro inspect and fix any leaks in your ducts. Sealing them up ensures the cold air goes where it should, making your AC more efficient.

4- Thermostat Issues

Your air conditioning system’s smooth operation may also be interfered with by problems with the thermostat. 

The thermostat is the main control panel, controlling the temperature measurements and determining when the air conditioner turns on and off.

It may, however, misjudge the inside temperature if it needs to be fixed or calibrated correctly, resulting in ineffective cooling cycles. 

It may cause the air conditioner to run too much or too frequently, leaving you too heated or chilly.


Ensure your thermostat reads the temperature correctly and adjusts it if needed. Changing to a programmable thermostat will help you maintain an incredible home and save energy.

5- Lack of Maintenance

Another frequent cause of problems with AC performance is neglect. Maintaining proper functioning of all components requires routine maintenance. 

Component deterioration, a drop in refrigerant levels, and limited airflow can all occur from improper maintenance. These elements decrease cooling efficiency, primarily when the air conditioner works harder on hot days. 

It’s similar to not doing routine auto maintenance; the longer you put it off, the higher the likelihood that you’ll experience problems with performance later on.


To maintain the smooth operation of your air conditioner, schedule annual maintenance with an HVAC technician. Regular check-ups prevent problems and keep your AC working well.

6- Blocked Vents

Blocked vents worsen cooling problems by preventing air from being distributed evenly throughout your house. There is an unequal temperature distribution in areas that do not receive enough cooling due to blocked or closed vents. 

Because of this, your AC system has to work harder to balance the airflow, which puts undue strain on it and reduces its overall efficiency. 


Keep all vents open and transparent of furniture or other stuff. Good airflow throughout your home helps your AC cool evenly and efficiently.

7- Poor Insulation

Poor insulation worsens the load on your air conditioning system by enabling hot outdoor air to enter your home and cooled indoor air to escape. 

Thermal inefficiencies brought on by inadequate insulation make your air conditioner work more to combat heat buildup and keep the interior temperature tolerable. 

It’s like attempting to maintain water in a leaking bucket; you can’t do it, and your air conditioner will perform worse.


Improve insulation in your home by adding more insulation where needed. It keeps hot and cool air out, helping your AC work less to keep your home comfortable.

8- Low Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels can seriously reduce the cooling power of your air conditioner. Refrigerant, a necessary part of every cooling system, moves heat from the interior to the outside air.

Your air conditioner will function less well if the refrigerant levels are low because of a leak or faulty installation. It is particularly true on hot days when cooling is most necessary.


Have a professional check for leaks and refill the refrigerant in your AC if needed. When it’s hot outside, your air conditioner needs the proper refrigerant.

8 Simple Things to Do If Your AC Isn’t Keeping Up

When you don’t understand the reason, use these tips to help keep your home cooler when your air conditioner is struggling:

  1. Use your ceiling fans to create a wind and circulate air inside your home.
  2. Keep your blinds closed to keep heat and sunshine out of your room during the hottest times of the day.
  3. To lower the heat inside your home, do your laundry and dishes at night when it’s colder.
  4. To give your air conditioner a rest and avoid overworking it, which might result in malfunctions, turn the temperature up a bit more than usual.
  5. Ensure your air filter is clean to maintain your AC operating effectively and free of airflow obstructions.
  6. For optimal airflow, trim back bushes and other vegetation surrounding your outdoor air conditioner.
  7. Cook outside on the grill instead of using the oven, which may heat your home.
  8. Close windows and doors to keep hot air out of the house, and avoid opening and shutting doors a lot.

Remember to schedule seasonal maintenance for your AC system to catch any weak parts before they fail during the extreme heat. Consider looking into The Bee Heat and AC air conditioner maintenance plans for extra peace of mind.

People Also Ask!

Why is my AC struggling on hot days?

Your AC might need to be bigger for your space; filters could be dirty, ducts may have leaks, or the thermostat might need adjustment.

How can I improve my AC’s performance?

Clean or replace filters regularly, seal duct leaks, ensure proper thermostat calibration, and consider upgrading to a larger unit if necessary.

What can I do to help my AC on hot days?

Use ceiling fans, keep blinds closed, run appliances at night, and avoid unnecessary heat sources like cooking indoors.

Is there anything else I can do to prevent AC issues?

Plan seasonal cleaning, prune the plants surrounding outside units, and think about purchasing a maintenance plan for ongoing upkeep.